How to Talk about HPV with your Loved Ones
What does it mean to receive an HPV diagnosis?
What is the difference between an abnormal pap smear and an HPV diagnosis?
How do you frame the HPV diagnosis when you speak with your patients?
What would be your advice on HPV to young girls, doctors, and physicians?
How did you react when you found out you had HPV?
Why did you feel it was so important to start the HPV Cancers alliance?
What has been your follow-up plan after the HPV diagnosis?
How do you feel now about your HPV diagnosis?
How can we help bring a higher level of understanding about HPV?
What do you think about getting the HPV vaccine later in life?
What are some helpful questions patients should ask about an HPV diagnosis?
Had you ever heard of HPV and were you comfortable sharing your diagnosis?
How can we help patients struggling with an HPV diagnosis?
How important is it to share that the cancer is HPV related to family & friends?
What do you believe will be beneficial in helping others understand HPV?
Up to what age can you get vaccinated right now?
What recommendations do you have for discussing your diagnosis with your partner?
Why did you choose to become such a vocal advocate against HPV?
What kind of support or advice would you give to someone with HPV?
If you’ve had HPV cancer, is it too late to get the vaccine?
Is there any other test that detects HPV other than a pap smear test?
Any advice for patients struggling with mental health during and after treatment?